The incredible destiny of Fayce

Born in Casablanca, Fayçal El Guessous, alias Fayce, is Moroccan and Muslim. His veiled mother works for the vice-president of the Jewish community.

She decided to enroll her son in the French Jewish school "Narcisse Leven", a mixed school open to all denominations, so that he could receive an education that would enable him to study in France. He learned Hebrew and even wore a yarmulke.

After passing his baccalaureate at Maïmonides High, he tried to enter the medical universities in France, but was turned down. He then naturally applied to an engineering school in Tel Aviv, Israel, as did all his high school classmates, and was accepted.

At the age of 18, he discovered Israeli society. He met the Israeli Arab community, where his presence was misunderstood and disturbing. Questions swarmed around him — Why had he chosen to study in Israel ? How is it possible to have attended a Jewish school in a Muslim country ? These were questions that Fayce had never really asked himself, given the natural harmony between the Jewish and Muslim communities in his country, which had existed for generations. From that moment on, Fayce began to become aware of the problems of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On July 2, 2001, he narrowly escaped the attack on the dolphinarium discotheque in Tel Aviv, which claimed the lives of 21 Israelis and wounded 120 others. For the first time, the young Moroccan was confronted with terrorism, just like his Israeli friends. This tragedy will mark him forever. With his diploma in hand, he landed a job at a high-tech company in Tel Aviv. He settled down with his Israeli fiancée, spoke fluent Hebrew and felt perfectly integrated.

“When a Moroccan Jew expatriates, Morocco loses a citizen but gains an ambassador” — His Majesty the late King Hassan II.

In December 2020, the Abraham Accords were signed between Morocco and Israel, and Fayce seized this wonderful opportunity with his childhood friends, the Moroccan-Israeli Jewish brothers Richard and Samy Ohayon. Together, they set up Tammar Invest, a company whose aim is to bring together Moroccan and Israeli companies wishing to invest in both countries, to set up partnerships in the high-tech sector, but not only, and also to enable Israeli companies to open an entity in Morocco to make their country a springboard to Africa and the sub-Saharan countries.

This example of fraternity is particularly inherent to Moroccan society, where the foundations of Jewish-Muslim relations lie in the deep-rooted Jewish communities in the country, allegiance to the same sovereign and reciprocal religious influences. The presence of Jews in the country dates back over 2,000 years, and their members had the status of "dhimmis" (canonically protected under Islamic stipulations).

No difference between the king's subjects.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI has never ceased to show his concern for Moroccan Jews, wherever they may be.


The Kingdom's Constitution, adopted in 2011, inspires great pride and strengthens their sense of belonging. In his speech on August 20, on the occasion of the King and People's Revolution Day, the King placed particular emphasis on provisions that demonstrate the importance attached to the Jewish component of the Moroccan population.

Like his father, the late King Hassan II, who advocated inter-community harmony between Muslim and Jewish citizens. We recall his role in the search for a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as his participation in the resolutions of various Arab and Islamic summits. And like his father before him, the late King Mohammed V, who opposed the implementation of Vichy's racial laws during the Second World War. In the collective memory of Moroccan Jews, the sovereign will forever remain the protector who enabled them to escape the Shoah in which millions of their co-religionists in Europe were exterminated. The Moroccan people, whether Jews or Muslims, have always been attached to their

Moroccan identity, as well as to the values of openness, moderation, tolerance and dialogue for mutual understanding between all the world's cultures and civilizations.


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