Gulf Twin Sisters
The first association to bring together Israeli, Emirati, Saudi, Egyptian and Bahraini women executives, the Gulf-Israel Women's Forum's mission is to give Middle Eastern women the place they deserve on the entrepreneurial scene. Over 2,500 members from a wide range of backgrounds meet regularly to discuss their areas of expertise — technology, marketing, journalism, finance... The spectrum is wide. Business, opportunity and sisterhood, the Gulf Women's forum could be defined in these terms.
“It was obvious that we all wanted the same thing: peace and prosperity”
For Lea Tedrow, co-founder of the forum, the main idea is to encourage communication between Israeli businesswomen and their partners in neighboring countries. The preliminary meeting focused on the culture of business in the United Arab Emirates, a culture essentially based on building one's relationship with the other. Having lived in the United Arab Emirates for 13 years herself, Lea Tedrow agrees — “Here, it's not enough to have one meeting after another and then leave with a signed contract. You build strong relationships, and that takes time and investment”. This inspiring model is very much in line with the founder's vision. Fleur Hassan-Nahoum hopes to awaken a sense of unity and cohesion among the participants: “It's obvious that we all want the same thing: peace and prosperity in the region”. Much more than a professional association, the Gulf Women's Forum also fosters beautiful friendships. During her stay in Jerusalem, Bahraini journalist Adheya Ahmed made a point of taking part in the Shabbat meal at Fleur Hassan-Nahoum's home. This former Bahraini spokeswoman returns delighted. In her article posted on the forum's website, she has nothing but praise for Israel: “In 11 days, I've been lucky enough to discover unparalleled hospitality. I can't forget the family meals with those who warmly welcomed me into their homes. I can't forget the smile that appeared on the lips of the cab driver exhausted from his long day's work when I told him I was from Bahrain…”. Fleur-Hassan-Nahoum was also able to travel to the Gulf to meet members of the forum.

Commercial and friendly relations are thus being forged between the Gulf sisters, and could have a considerable impact on the regional economy. Indeed, while trade between the United Arab Emirates and Israel has already doubled since 2020, reaching $9.4 billion in 2022, an IFC study estimated that the Middle East's GDP could increase by a further 30% to 40% if women were to play a more active role in the regional economy.
Women in the Middle East — towards greater representation?
Today, there are great professional opportunities for women in the region. Building a sustainable future requires more equal collaboration. According to forum member Ronit Harpaz, the biotech sector alone is a case in point. Despite a 70% female employment rate, only 12% of women have access to positions of high responsibility. Bendit Technology's Managing Director has decided to work towards a better representation of women in the Middle East. “I believe that being part of the Gulf-Israel Women's Forum is an opportunity to strengthen local diversity by adopting the role models of Bahraini and Emirati women leaders”. By founding WE HealthTech, a school that aims to encourage young female entrepreneurs to take on leadership roles, Ronit Harpaz intends to reverse this trend. By borrowing from each of their respective cultures, the Gulf sisters are renewing the world of business.